Saturday, September 28, 2019

Movie Review: "Tolkien" (2019)

Well, here's to wrapping up the 2019 Tolkien Blog Party hosted by The Edge of the Precipice. Many thanks to Hamlette for hosting such a wonderful party again this year!

4/5 Stars

I had originally intended to see this movie in theaters, but I couldn't find anyone with whom to go, so I decided to wait to watch it until it came out for rental. I can honestly say that I felt I didn't lose much by waiting; while the movie was enjoyable and even touching, it wasn't something that I felt I needed to see on the big screen. 

Tolkien focuses on the author's early life from the time his family moved from Africa back to England up through the start of WWI. While I was initially disappointed by the fact that we didn't get to meet the Inklings (including C.S. Lewis), the scope of the film was appropriate for the run time. 

Like all biopics, the film does take some liberties, at least according to critics that I could find. (I haven't done extensive reading on his life, so I had to take the word of some people on the internet). Mostly, it seems they added a few scenes for dramatic effect and shuffled a couple points around in the timeline. Overall, though, it seems the film did a good job sticking to the general facts of his life. 

The movie does lots of flashing back and forth between Tolkien's time as a soldier in the trenches and his earlier life and childhood. I'm not overly fond of this sort of format, but it worked well in this instance, serving to build tension throughout. 

The film mostly focuses on Tolkien's physical life, rather than his imaginative works. However, for those familiar with his writing, you can see how life events might have shaped the legends of Middle-Earth. (Ex. Edith dancing in the woods as inspiration for Luthien). Unfortunately, the film sidelines his Catholic faith and its role in shaping his stories, choosing to spend much more time on the friendship he forms with his classmates and his courtship of his future wife. I don't think it was necessarily a bad choice; nevertheless, it was mildly disappointing. 

I would recommend this movie as an enjoyable way to pass the time to anyone who has a mild to moderate interest in Tolkien's life or works, though someone who has an extremely deep interest may want to seek out a more traditional biography.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019 Tolkien Tag

It's that time of year again! I'm pleased to present my answers to Hamlette's Tolkien Blog Tag as part of her Tolkien party over at  The Edge of the Precipice. Hope you enjoy!

Would You Rather...

...join Thorin's Company or the Fellowship?

I would have to say I'd rather join Thorin's company. While defeating a dragon is no small task, carrying a character-warping object into certain defeat seems like a horrible way to start off my questing career. 

...ride Shadowfax or an eagle?

I've always wanted to fly, so Eagles for the win! through Moria or Mirkwood?

I detest spiders. Let's go with Moria. 

...learn to make elvish rope or mithril chainmail?

I mean, either would be cool, but elvish rope seems like something I would be more capable of learning how to manufacture. 

...try to outwit Smaug or Saruman?

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure that I could outwit either of them. Smaug's reasoning seems to be a little more susceptible to flattery, but being roasted alive seems rather unpleasant. On the other hand, Saruman has a rather wicked twist of thought, and if I lost, maybe it would just be better to be burned to a crisp instantaneously.

...spend an hour with Grima Wormtongue or Denethor?

Denethor might be the more dangerous of the two when it comes to manipulation, but he feels less, well, slimy, than Grima. Maybe I could get Denethor on a diatribe about Boromir and avoid too many overly probing questions.

...attend Faramir's wedding or Samwise's wedding?

Seeing as Faramir and Eowyn are my favorite LotR couple, I would have to pick theirs, even though the hobbits might have better food. 

...have to care for the One Ring or the Arkenstone for a day?

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I feel that the Arkenstone is less dangerous than the One Ring. Thorin is also far less terrifying than the Nazgul. 

...have tea with Bilbo or Frodo?

I think I would have to choose Bilbo. He's a very homey, cheerful person in my mind, whereas Frodo seems to be more the tragic hero type. 

 ...fight alongside Boromir or Eomer?

I've only ever ridden a horse once, so I think I would be less of a hindrance to Boromir on foot,  though I prefer Eomer over Boromir as a character. 

Are there any answers you feel strongly about? Which Tolkien character would you like to spend a day with?