Friday, July 15, 2016

Sequel Review: "Beneath the Forsaken City"

I've done my best to keep this review spoiler-free. If you're looking for the first book in the series, you can check out my review of Oath of the Brotherhood. I'll have a fresh series next Friday!

The Short:

Beneath the Forsaken City
The Song of Seare, Book 2

By: C.E. Laureano

4/5 Stars

What: Conor and Aine struggle to return Seare to normal when personal tragedies strike and spiritual warfare increases.

Recommended to those who like: Darker books, fantasy, sword fights, Christian, romance

The Long:

You might be able to jump into this book without reading Oath of the Brotherhood, but it would be difficult.

Like Oath of the Brotherhood, this book is very dark. I would recommend it to mature teens and up. It deals with spiritual warfare and sexual temptation in a realistic manner.

As with the previous book, Beneath the Forsaken City was just a little too heavy on the romance for my personal taste, though others may enjoy it.

There were some aspects of the story that I really enjoyed, however. One of the themes of the book is how to rely on God in difficult times, as well as the dangers of pride and thinking one knows better than God. Some people might find the book too spiritually strong/ forthright in nature, but I thought it was necessary to offset some of the darker themes of the book.

I definitely look forward to reading Book 3—there was an unexpected plot twist at the end of this book. I’m looking forward to how it all works out in the end.

Out of a “typical” trilogy, do you tend to like the first, second, or third book the best?

I will be slow to respond to comments/ emails for the next several days. Be sure to stop back in on Tuesday for a guest post from Victoria of The Endless Oceans of My Mind. 


  1. Ah, the heavy romance strikes again. *shakes fist* But other than that this looks pretty good. And I like what you said, about how darker themes need more "preaching" because that's totally true.

    Ooh, that's a hard question. I'd say that I probably like the first book the best because sometimes the second book is just a retelling of the first book and usually everyone dies in the third book. (Which sucks.)

    1. I agree with you on the books...I typically prefer the first; however, a good third book is hard to beat. Thanks for the comment! Sorry for the late reply.


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