Friday, September 2, 2016

Sequel Review: "Cyndere's Midnight"

As always, I've done my best to keep this review spoiler-free. Check out my review of Auralia's Colors, which I would recommend reading first. Or, you can read some flailing over when I found the third book in the series, by clicking here

I'll be back with a fresh series next week!

The Short:

Cyndere’s Midnight
The Auralia Thread, Book 2

By: Jeffrey Overstreet

5/5 Stars

What: Can a widowed princess overcome her fear and grief to help a beastman who wants to change his ways?

Recommended to those who like: Fantasy, loosely Christian, darker stories

The Long:

This was a really good follow-up to Auralia’s Colors. My only complaint is that it gets a little confusing in the middle. However, the ending and overall themes in the book are marvelous.

Cyndere’s husband was killed by beastmen, throwing doubt on their dream that there might be some way to save them. Jordam, changed by Auralia’s colors, stumbles across her one day. Will he be able to change his ways, in spite of the pressure placed upon him by his brothers?

Meanwhile, House Abascar scrapes out its new living in caverns. Can King Cal-Raven overcome his fear of becoming what his father was?

The Ale Boy continues looking for The Keeper, feeling alone in Auralia’s absence. Can he really make a difference?

This story provides some well-done commentary on art, the pursuit of happiness, and joy. Once again, Mr. Overstreet manages to weave a thought-provoking, action-packed book that gets a message across without being preachy. I can hardly wait to read the next book.

What books have you read that get a good message across without shoving it down your throat?

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